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Barrs Court School


Admission Arrangements

Admissions Policy Statement

Admission of pupils to the school is through recommendation by the SEN team for young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHC Plan). Admissions to special schools, such as Barrs Court, are for the Local Authority (LA) to determine on the basis of its consideration of all the advice received about a child or young person’s special educational needs. The admissions authority for Barrs Court School is Herefordshire Council's Children's Wellbeing Directorate. 


All pupils on roll at the school have been assessed as having a learning difficulty and/or disability and may have characteristics that include:

  • Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)
  • Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)
  • Multi-Sensory Impairment
  • Autistic spectrum disorder


The Admissions Process

The Admissions Process at Barrs Court School is determined by ‘The School Admissions Code’ and ‘The Admissions Appeals Code’ written by the Department for Education (DfE).


Both codes are available from



  1. The level and type of provision required by a child or young person is considered at the point of agreeing an  Educational, Health and Care Plan or at an annual review.
  2. The school receives consultation papers from the LA.
  3. The school reviews all documentation and considers whether the pupil’s needs can be met and whether the school has the space, staffing and resources to accommodate the pupil within its existing operational organisation.
  4. Parents/carers, prospective pupils, their teachers and supporting professionals are advised to and are welcome to visit the school by prior appointment.
  5. School staff will sometimes visit the pupil’s school and family as necessary.
  6. Once a place at Barrs Court has been formally offered a transition programme to Barrs Court will be planned for the child or young person on an individual basis and may include taster sessions or a phased entry into school life if that is requested.
  7. Children and young people can be admitted to Barrs Court between the ages of 11-19 depending on availability of spaces.


We believe it is important that all prospective families are able to have knowledge of and evaluate all the options available to children who have an EHC Plan.  


We welcome informal visits by families without obligation or without waiting for the L.A. to name Barrs Court School.

Please contact us if you would like to arrange a visit.

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