Welcome to Barrs Court School
On behalf of the pupils, staff and governors we would like to warmly welcome you to Barrs Court School’s website.
Barrs Court is a special place where there is a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, which you will experience as soon as you enter the school, because one of our fundamental aims is to ensure we provide a calm, supportive and safe environment for everyone.
Our professional and caring staff make a strong and dedicated team where every child and young person is treated with respect to ensure that their rights, needs and aspirations, personal preferences and pathways remain central to the school's organisation. We want our pupils to be empowered and to benefit in the future from a meaningful and rewarding adulthood.
To achieve this, we are committed to ensuring that we work in partnership with our families and in collaboration with a wide range of professionals who guide and support us in meeting the individual needs of our pupils. Together, everyone contributes in enabling all pupils to thrive, learn and achieve.
We recognise that by further developing strong links with the community we are fostering positive attitudes towards our pupils and promoting social inclusion for all.
We strive to increase access and opportunities for our young people to enjoy lifelong learning in adult life. In unison we are enhancing the opportunities available to our pupils to make a unique contribution to their family, school and local community.
We hope that you find this site interesting, useful and informative. If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01432 265035 (option 1). The staff team will be happy to help.
If you are a parent or carer of a prospective pupil and you would like to arrange a visit to Barrs Court School please contact us and we will gladly arrange for you to come and see us.
With best wishes
Lisa Appleton Millie Lowther
Executive Headteacher Head of School
Barrs Court School, is part of Accordia Academies Trust - company registration 08426360 (England) - registration office: Barrs Court School, Barrs Court Road, Hereford, HR1 1EQ
If you require a paper copy of any of the information on the website, please email admin@barrscourt.hereford.sch.uk, or call the school on 01432 265035 (option 1) and this will be provided free of charge.