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Barrs Court School


Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

Listening to our pupils about what they want for their future

At Barrs Court we believe that our pupils have a valuable role to play in the community that they are part of now and will be in the future.

Pupils are encouraged to advocate for themselves and there are many ways in which our pupils can have their voice.

A significant part of each pupils annual review meeting is given over to our young people telling us what is important to them so that this can be incorporated in planning for their teaching and learning and to support them into their aspirations for the future.

Staff will always consider our pupils’ comments whether given verbally or through a communication device, and endeavour to always be sensitive to non-verbal clues.

Pupils can express their ideas about how Barrs Court can become even better through their class representative on the school councils (see links below for more details).

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