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Barrs Court School


Travel Training

Travel Training

A Step towards Independence

The Travel Training programme is run by Herefordshire Council, however Barrs Court School work very closely with the trainers to maximise the benefit for participants.


What is Travel Training?

Independent travel training is a structured programme designed to teach young people with learning disabilities or learning difficulties how to travel independently and, where appropriate, how to use public transport.

Young people learn travel skills for an identified route, usually to or from school, college or a work placement. They are supported in learning to use transport and in developing the necessary skills for safer independent travel.


Travel training is designed to help people to get more from life by giving them the confidence to travel independently. 

Being able to access public transport or learn routes on foot helps people make their own choices about how they live and what they want to achieve.


Travel training can help overcome barriers to: 

  • Social Inclusion
  • Access to Leisure Facilities
  • Employment
  • Independent journeys to School/College/clubs



How do Travel Trainers help the trainees?

Trainers will accompany trainees on their journeys, providing encouragement and guidance until they all feel confident that the trainees have developed the appropriate skills to travel independently. The team of specialist travel trainers are there to help develop skills such as:


  • Coping with traffic on major roads
  • Crossing with and without pedestrian crossings
  • Learning the highway code
  • Coping with traffic on major roads
  • Crossing with and without pedestrian crossings
  • Learning the highway code
  • Confidence in using buses
  • How to plan a journey
  • Familiarisation of travel routes and timetables
  • Identification of landmarks
  • Where to get help
  • Personal safety
  • Money skills and Use of mobile phones




Who can Travel Trainers help?

Travel Trainers work with people who have behavioural difficulties, physical difficulties and additional needs to enable them to use public transport services. They can help prepare participants for travel on any specific journey - perhaps to work, school, further education, home or a training opportunity.

Trainees can be of any age to participate in this programme and can also contact the trainers when situations change (even if previously signed off) if for example they need to learn a new route such as when moving house, college or joining a club.


The team of specialist Travel Trainers cover the whole of Herefordshire. They are working with new people all the time and welcome new referrals from schools, colleges, social care centres and all other organisations.



For further details on the Travel Training programme or to apply for training, please contact the Travel Trainers:

Linda Philpot


James Robertson

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