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Barrs Court School


Student Council

Barrs Court Student Council

Why do we have a Student Council?

Pupils like to have their say, and we want our students to learn to be active and democratic citizens following and embedding the British values.  The Student Council provides our young people with a way to discuss their opinions, views and thoughts.  It allows students to have a voice that is proactive in promoting positive change within the school.  All pupils have an opportunity to voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions which impact upon them.  The student council gives school council representatives a huge sense of responsibility and pride in their school. 


Who is on the Council?

At the beginning of the academic year, students are asked to nominate who would like to be their class representative on the student council; candidates then create a manifesto to present to their class and each class then vote for their class representative using a ballot sheet.   Students are made aware of who their class representative is and what to do if they have any suggestions or ideas to be brought forward to the student council.  These views are taken to the council meeting by the representative and discussed.


When the Council Meets

The student council meets for one afternoon every half term. Sometimes we have a visitor attend and school staff may join the meeting to share new initiatives with the council or to ask for feedback.   The student council have a meeting agenda for each meeting in which they discuss the action points from previous meetings and introduce new initiatives, and student representatives bring suggestions from their peers with the aim for change and improvement to be implemented in school.  


What happens next?

Students will leave the meeting with a number of actions points to share with their class and a deadline for completion.


Last year the student council:

  • Shared Youth club ideas
  • Fundraised for Red nose day
  • Planned to raise money for homeless
  • Purchased a basketball hoop
  • Changed the school menu
  • Suggested new puddings
  • Reintroduced wake and shake
  • Raised awareness about recycling
  • Chose safety signs
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