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Barrs Court School


Key Stage 4 Curriculum Rolling Programme

Curriculum - Key Stage 4

What we offer and expect from our students

The Key Stage 4 (KS4) Curriculum operates on a 2 year rolling programme. Each student’s learning styles and abilities are taken into consideration and pupils begin to focus on functional skills in both literacy and maths. Some pupils will work towards completing controlled assessments by the end of the year or their time in KS4, whereas other students will develop their personal skills in numeracy and literacy areas at a level that is appropriate to them. The students also begin a new challenge focusing around edexcel qualifications which are taught through a topic based approach. The aims of which are to incorporate life skills, work related learning and their own responsibilities towards the environment, with a view to building upon this in key stage 5.


The subjects taught in KS4 include:

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Physical education
  • Personal, social and health education including SRE
  • Edexcel (personal progress) which focuses on the world of work, home management and environment and the community
  • Options- which can include anything from history through to flower arranging and building flat pack furniture
  • The Arts – in their many forms including drama, singing as well as drawing etc


Each of the KS4 classes follow the same theme, which links with literacy and numeracy as well as being adapted to meet the needs of individual class students. Pupils also have opportunities to mix within the Key Stage, as well as have more control over what they are learning. Pupils have “Options” which relate to an area within the topic where pupils may have a particular interest; these may also link to the National Curriculum. Students also undertake an Arts award which is taught in mixed class groups to support pupils in developing the skills of working with a wide variety of students.

Alongside this pupils also undertake (where appropriate)

  • Work experience
  • Travel training
  • Focus groups
  • Intervention groups
  • Riding for the disabled association
  • Hydrotherapy

Our curriculum is always under review to ensure that we best meet the needs of our students


See below for our two year rolling program of Key Stage 4 Curriculum Themes

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Themes


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