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Barrs Court School


News and Events

Tuesday 9th July 2024                   

Whole School Transition Day


Thursday 11th July 2024               

The Prom for Year 11 and 14                      6:00pm-9:00pm at The Beacon College


Tuesday 16th July 2024                 

Parents Evening for Key Stage 3 and 4      3:30pm to 6:30pm


Thursday 18th July 2024               

End of Year Performances 2024                 2:00pm Matinee Performance

at The Beacon College                                  5:00pm Evening Performance                         


Friday 19th July 2024                   

Year 11 Leavers Lunch                                12:30pm at The Hub


The term will end on Monday 22nd July 2024.

The new academic year will begin on Wednesday 4th September 2024

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