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Barrs Court School


SEND Local Offer

  Our ‘Local Offer’ for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)


The SEND Information Report is a requirement under the Children’s and Families Act 2014 and will be updated annually by the school in order to reflect any changes that have taken place or are planned to take place. It is intended as a response to specific questions identified within the Act and should be read in conjunction with the school’s prospectus and additional information available on the school’s website such as the SEND Policy, the Diversity Policy and Accessibility Plan.


If you have any further questions or would like to seek clarification with regard to the content of this document then please don’t hesitate to contact the school.


Phone: 01432 265035




Questions covered in the report:


  1. What kinds of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities do we make provision for?
  2. How do we identify and assess pupils with SEND?
  3. What is our approach to teaching pupils with SEND and encouraging engagement?
  4. How do we adapt the curriculum and learning environment?
  5. How do we support pupils improve their emotional and social development?
  6. How will equipment and facilities be provided to support pupils?
  7. What are the school’s arrangements for assessing and reviewing the progress of its pupils and how do we communicate progress in partnership with parents and carers?
  8. What are the arrangements for consulting and involving the pupils about their education?
  9. What expertise and training do our staff have and how do we involve other organisations, specialists or equipment to support both the pupils with SEND and their family?
  10. How do we prepare and support our pupils and families to join the school or transfer to a new setting/next stage of their life?
  11. How do we evaluate the effectiveness of our provision?
  12. Who can pupils, parents or carers contact with concerns and how do we handle complaints about the provision of SEND?
  13. Who should I contact for further information?



Barrs Court School SEND Information Report 2022-2023 (Parents, Carers and Professionals Edition)

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