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Barrs Court School


Assessment and Accreditation


The principle of assessment is to check and identify what a child understands and what they need to learn next. It should establish starting points and should support progress in a range of contexts. At Barrs Court we assess using a variety of strategies including teachers and support staff continuously assessing the pupils to inform their planning in order to deliver an individualised bespoke learning experience.

  • This is done on a daily and lesson by lesson basis.
  • Progress is also checked on a termly basis.
  • Where applicable controlled assessments e.g. Keystage 4 functional Skills assessment.
  • Personal learning goals (PLG’s) are identified for each pupil which are targets linked to their EHCP outcomes.
  • Where appropriate students are also involved in their learning through self-assessment.


How do we measure progress?

  • Barrs Court uses an assessment system known as ‘Evidence for Learning’ to measure pupils progress
  • Progress for each pupil is very individualised. Within each for our core subjects’ pupils are baselined on the skills ladders for each subject area. Following this evidence is then added to show how a pupil is working towards or has achieved a skill. We recognise that progress of some of our pupils is shown in very small steps so to further break down a skill we also assess whether a pupil is showing:
    • Emerging skills
    • Developing skills
    • Secure Skills
    • Generalised Skills
  • In addition to curriculum skills ladders, Personal Learning Goals (PLG’s) are also added to Evidence for Learning. These are targets which are taken from the children Education Health and Care Plan. Throughout the year evidence is added to the pupil’s online profile and as part of our monitoring procedures we use an analytical tool called ‘Insight’ to report on pupil’s progress.


How do we report progress to parents and carers?

  • Parents have an initial parents/ carers evening (Autumn Term) to discuss priority targets for the year followed by a further two parents’/carers’ evenings per year (Spring and Summer Terms) so they can attend to check on their child’s progress.
  • Every child will receive a written report in the Summer Term surrounding their progress, this will include report on pupils progress against curriculum skills ladders as well as progress made towards PLG’s (Personal Learning Goals).
  • Barrs Court School support an open-door policy and welcome discussions from parents/carers regarding their child’s progress throughout the year.


The majority of our students will leave Barrs Court with nationally recognised accreditation.

Most pupils will work towards entry level or higher qualifications in Writing, Reading, Speaking & Listening and Maths.


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