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Barrs Court School


Leavers Destinations and Transition

Leavers Destinations and Transition

It can often be a confusing time when trying to decide upon the direction to go in. This is particularly the case for young people with special educational needs and disabilities where there might be extra concerns for the young person or their family


Leavers’ destinations

Pupils from Barrs Court progress to a wide range of environments after their time with us.

Post 16, the majority of our students move to the Beacon College, though some move to supported internships or other local colleges.


Students can leave the Beacon College after 1, 2 or 3 years and again are encouraged and supported to find the placement that best meets their personal need and aspirations.


Destinations include:

Further Education Colleges

National Star


Wessington Court Farm

Hereford and Ludlow College





Work Placements (either paid or voluntary)

Pre-school nursery

Charity shops



Residential Supported Living Facilities

Young adults can be supported by Herefordshire Council’s Adult Transition Team


The school works in partnership with parents and the local authority to ensure that pupils' needs are best met as they move on to the next destination, including helping to organise visits for pupils and parents.

Transition following Beacon College

A key part of moving from school to adult life is the availability of the right post-19 education or training opportunities and knowing how to access them. 

We hope that the following information, which details how we ensure the transition process is as smooth as possible, will support families in planning for the future.  

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