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SEND specific including Sensory and SALT
Accessibite Free apps to support students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, have reading difficulties
ALN Home School Resources for parents of children with additional needs
Autcraft A modulated and monitored, online site for autistic children and young people
Chatterpack Free SEND resources
Downs Syndrome A list of resources to support learners with Down Syndrome and their families
Easter Seals Free visual timetable resources - to help with school closures
GoBoardMaker A range of activities to try
Inclusive Teach Free downloadable resources
Royal Blind Braille Week Worksheets in Braille
SEND cast Podcasts on sensory processing and dyslexia
SEND cast Resources for parents of children with additional needs
SEN Resoources blog Advice, learning activities and recommended toys, books, and resources for children with SEND
Sensory learning activities - an A-Z Inclusive Teach
Sounding Board For apple/iPad/iPhone users: by AbleNet: transfroms ipad, iphone in to latest communication technology.
Tobiidynavox 10 weeks of free content, leveled and thematic units created with Boardmaker - books, communication supports, speech/language activities for students with communication difficulties and SEND