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Barrs Court School


Eco School Council

Eco School Council

Caring For Our World


In the Autumn Term 2019 we established our Eco School Council following previous success in recycling. The group of pupils and staff from Barrs Court School will be meeting once a term to explore ways that we can help protect our planet and to work together on new projects to help protect our environment.


What happens to the Crisp packets we collect?

We have been working together with Herefordshire Community Clean-up group; Mr Wood joined us at the Student Council and kindly explained to the students what happens to the crisp packets once they are collected - crisp packets are sorted and sent to Terracycle UK where they are turned into UPVC window frames and park benches.


We have received support from TPG who have sponsored the school and provided 4 lovely new recycling bins. Please do continue to send in empty crisp packets for sorting and recycling.


As part of our continued effort to work towards Eco Schools Green Flag awards (see criteria below for more details), we are pleased to announce that are now able to collect the following items for recycling:


  • Confectionary wrappers - for example Mars® bar wrappers or chocolate button wrappers.
  • Plastic bottle tops - for example from milk or squash bottles. These are being collected to create an exciting large scale art installation.
  • Used batteries
  • Plastic writing instruments – old ball point pens, highlighter pens, felt tip pens etc
  • Clean and dry aluminium foil
  • Oral care products - toothpaste tubes and caps, toothpaste cartons, toothbrushes, toothbrush outer packaging, electric and battery toothbrush heads (for more details go to



Thank you to all the pupils for their enthusiasm and passion for helping our environment.

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