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Barrs Court School


Information for Students

Please keep checking this page as we add new and exciting careers videos, information and links!

Who can I speak to about Careers at Barrs Court School? 


Bev Jones 

Bev is a tutor at the Beacon College and you can ask to speak to her at any time. Her phone number is 01432 265035 and her email address is

Please contact Bev if you have any feedback about Careers at Barrs Court. 


Who can I speak to about work experience at Barrs Court School? 


Carrie Pitt

Carrie's office is at the Beacon College and she is at Barrs Court at the Hub every Friday. Please ask Carrie if you have any work experience suggestions or questions. Carrie's phone number is 01432 265035 and her email address is


What websites are helpful for Careers and my next steps? 

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks (above) are what we need to be doing for Careers at Barrs Court School. 

Do you think we are meeting the Gatsby Benchmarks? 

Let Bev Jones or your teacher know what you think!

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